Our dealers are here to help you make the best choice for your flooring needs. Visit your local dealer to see and feel all the different options available.
Company | Address | Phone | |
A&A Floors | 350 Supertest Rd. North York, ON M3J 2M2 | (416) 736-0089 | kamran@aaflooring.ca |
AA Floors | 524 Evans Ave. Toronto, ON M8W 2V4 | (416) 201-9611 | bestfloor@yahoo.com |
Acadian | 14-162 Bullock Dr. Markham, ON L3P 1W2 | (905) 294-9575 | judy@acadianflooring.com |
Amazon | 4-615 Denison St. Markham, ON L3R 1B8 | (905) 940-0900 | bill@amazonhardwood.ca |
Bernie McGlynn | 1563 Hwy 9 Mildmay, ON N0G 2J0 | (519) 367-5789 | smm.sawmill@gmail.com |
Best Bargain | 21-1332 Khalsa Dr. Mississauga, ON L5S 0A2 | (905) 696-7877 | info@bbcflooring.ca |
Canadian Flooring | 2727 Steeles Ave. W. Toronto, ON M3J 3G9 | (416) 735-0075 | info@canfloor.com |
Capela Surfaces Inc. | 96 Skyway Ave. Etobicoke, ON M9W 4Y9 | 416-656-3553 | gil@capelasurfaces.com |
Cedar Springs | 043851 South Gate Rd. 4, R.R. 1 Mount Forest, ON N0G 2L0 | (519) 509-2200 | warrenweber@mwpol.ca |
Certified Flooring and More | 131 Bernard Ave, Richmond Hill, ON L4C 9Z6 | (437) 971-6998 | gtacertifiedflooring@gmail.com |
Corewood Luxury Plank | 1140 Castlefield Ave. Toronto, ON M6B 1E9 | (416) 909-4009 | corey@corewood.com |
Cosmaroma | 2-140 Wendell Ave. Toronto, ON M9N 3R2 | (416) 907-9696 | moe@cosmaroma.com |
Custom Woods | 501-1900 Lake Shore Blvd. W. Toronto, ON M6S 1A4 | (647) 409-5984 | darryl@floorsexclusive.com |
Decor Floors | 6805 Invader Cres. Unit 6-8 Mississauga, ON L4W 2K2 | (905) 564-2999 | ekrandhawa@gmail.com |
Denis McGlynn | 2409 Con. 4 RR2 Teeswater, ON N0G 2S0 | (519) 392-8798 | dm.sawmill@gmail.com |
Designer’s Carpet One | 1571 Courtney Park Dr. E. Mississauga, ON L5T 1V9 | (905) 290-1515 | lal@designerscarpet.com |
Dragona | 12 Progress Ave. Scarborough, ON M1P 2Y4 | (416) 298-5851 | dragonatoronto@hotmail.com |
Earth Wood Elements | 508504 HWY 89 Mono, ON L9V 1J8 | (705) 623-3563 | john@earthwoodelements.com |
Falco | 4 Pentland Pl. Toronto, ON M9B 5M5 | (416) 893-4122 | mpodpora@falcocanada.com |
First Class | 10 Marmac Dr. Etobicoke, ON M9W 1E6 | (416) 740-6183 | ralph@firstclassflooring.ca |
Floor Diva | 128 Guelph St. Georgetown, ON L7G 4A5 | (905) 702-7990 | flordiva@live.com |
Floorbank | 4-1020 Brook Rd Pickering, ON L1W 3M1 | (647) 917-5577 | dilan@floorbank.ca |
Floors @ Work | 6953 Davand Dr. Mississauga, ON L5T 1L5 | (905) 795-0016 | jason@floorsatwork.com |
Gaylord | 228 Victoria Street North Tweed, ON K0K 3J0 | (877) 333-0433 | amanda@gaylordhardwood.com |
Gracious | 70 Devon Rd. Unit 1 Brampton, ON L6T 5K7 | (905) 458-8000 | gracioushardwood@yahoo.com |
HP Flooring | 100 Steelcase Rd. E. #106 Markham, ON L3R 1E8 | (905) 604-5995 | hpflooringca@gmail.com |
Koebel Flooring | 6-407 Gage Ave. Kitchener, ON N2M 5E1 | (519) 885-5685 | lenkoebelflooring@bellnet.ca |
LimanCo | 786 Valley Green Trail Newmarket, ON L3X 2V6 | (416) 910-4841 | team@limanco.com |
Maple Green Flooring | 106 Hamster Cres. Aurora, ON L4G 3G7 | (647) 622-9970 | maplegreenflooring@gmail.com |
Milton Hardwood | 311 Steels Ave. E. Milton, ON L9T 1Y2 | (905) 876-7671 | office@miltonhardwood.com |
Mondo Floors | 2220 HWY 7 West Unit 4 Concord, ON L4K 1W7 | (416) 736-0089 | amir@mondofloors.com |
Napanee Flooring | 37 Advanced Ave. Napanee, ON K7R 3Y5 | (613) 354-5252 | matt@napaneeflooring.com |
Northview Hardwood | 7396 9th Line Thornton, ON L0L 2N0 | (647) 309-4041 | northviewhardwoodflooring@gmail.com |
Peerani | 2359 Royal Windsor Dr. Unit 29 Mississauga, ON L5J 4S9 | (905) 403-9991 | info@peeranisflooring.com |
Peter Thomson | 508504 HWY 89 Mono, ON L9V 1J8 | (705) 435-3711 | katy@blackbearflooring.com |
Planks | 91 Delta Park Blvd. Unit #91A Brampton, ON L6T 5E7 | (647) 237-2013 | choicezplus@bell.net |
RBC | 1351-A Principale Granby, QC J2J 0M3 | (450) 770-2877 | bob@planchersrbc.com |
Rowan | 569 Steven Crt. Unit 1 Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z3 | (800) 420-4063 | sales@rowanfloor.com |
RusCan Flooring | 188 Bunting Rd. Unit 12, St. Catharines, ON L2M 1Y3 | Tel: 905-938-3505 | info@ruscanfloor.com |
Satin Flooring | 15 Fenmar Dr. Toronto, ON M9L 1L4 | (416) 747-9924 | glynn@baumontcorp.com |
Simcoe Woodcraft | 17817 Leslie St. Newmarket, ON L3Y 8C6 | (905) 953-5486 | simcoewoodcraft@gmail.com |
Skymark | mark.cz@rogers.com | ||
Specialty Woods | 250 Cox Mill Rd. #15 Barrie, ON L4N 7Y7 | (905) 323-5760 | specialty_woods@yahoo.ca |
Sunca Global Forest | 15 Connie Crescent, Unit 12-13 Concord, ON L4K 1L3 | (905) 660-1002 | borisarkanov@rogers.com |
Taymak | 51 York Mills Rd. Unit 303 Toronto, ON M2P 1B6 | (416) 629-5951 | eperkins.taymak@gmail.com |
Total Renos | 3 Flamingo Crt. Georgetown, ON L7G 1A1 | (416) 877-8913 | karl@totalrenos.com |
Upper Canada Home | 45 Bindertwine Bld. Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0 | (416) 629-5951 | upcan@rogers.com |
Vaughan hardwood Flooring | 4-14 Gormley Industrial Ave. Gormley, ON L0H 1G0 | (905) 482-2180 | contact@vaughanflooring.com |
Wall & Floor | 1309 Kennedy Rd. Unit b Scarborough, ON M1P 2L6 | (416) 840-9460 | efahel1661@rogers.com |
Wud Floors | 212 Speers Rd. Oakville, ON L6K 2E9 | (905) 338-5100 | dave@wudfloors.com |
Zeca | 10 Westridge Rd. Etobicoke, ON M9A 4E7 | (416) 821-8208 | zecahomes@live.com |
New Jersey Exclusive Dealer DFS Systems Inc. | 325 Commerce Rd. Linden, NJ, 07036 | 908-523-1682 | contact@dfsincorp.com |